Saturday, September 13, 2008

Urban survival - Part two

As I had announced before, I will continue the "Urban survival series" time by time with new bits of content. This is one of these bits :)

The survival keyring
Its a very personal, individual piece of kit, so this wont be a real "guide" but more an introduction to "my" keyring.
So whats on it? First, of course, my keys (quite obvious). Than I added a small key chain (more on its use later on) and some useful tools:
- A Leatherman Micra Tool
- A P38 can opener (original with NSN)
- A button compass
- A signal whistle
- Lock and keys for my arms case
- Maglite Micra torch
- A lightweight carbine hook

This pretty basic setup served me very well the last years, but of course each demands may vary, though.
Why a keyring? Well, the best tools wont serve you, when you don't have them with you. Although it IS possible that you forget you keyring, it will be with you most of the time you´re out.
And why a key chain? Well, it transforms the keyring into a decent flail, if you have a need for self defense.
So far so well, we´ll meet again soon!

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